Finding a way: Select cohort doing virtual Vietnam internships

After pandemic precludes Freeman travel to Asia, 学院通过海外教育网络为12名十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生提供丰富的在线体验

June 22, 2021
By Laura Hardin '22

Jeffrey Ayres

In recent years, 教授和前院长杰弗里·艾尔斯指导了几批十大赌博靠谱网络平台的学生,他们在弗里曼基金会的资助下前往亚洲,在香港进行改变人生的实习, with original plans calling for a group to go to Singapore this summer.

但今年新冠肺炎大流行改变了大学生的一切,阻碍了他们前往亚洲实习, it just didn’t seem fair to Ayres that this year’s 12 students, who had been selected originally for Freeman Foundation grants,  might miss out on a global initiative altogether. 这促使他去寻找替代方案,他(和学生们一样)很兴奋地找到了一个可行的解决方案: virtual internships in Vietnam. 这些虚拟实习将使参与者建立一个十大赌博靠谱网络平台亚洲的知识库, deepen global competency and inter-cultural skills, 并在我们日益网络化的世界中有效地获得实际的工作经验——尽管他们将留在美国.S.

重要的是要强调大家都经历了极其困难的一年, said Ayres, a veteran member of the St. Mike’s political science and international relations faculty, 解释这些前所未有的时代是否教会了我们的学生什么, it would be perseverance and adaptability. “So why should they stop now?” he said.

Making the new virtual opportunity possible is The Education Abroad Network, otherwise known as TEAN, 它致力于帮助大学生进入国际专业实习的世界. With TEAN’s help, 今年的学生将有机会在越南的多家公司和非营利组织完成“海外”虚拟实习.

Ayres解释了今年虚拟实习的选拔过程:“被选中的学生将被接受为TEAN的临时实习生,” he said, ,然后要求他们通过TEAN提交有关自己的信息,以评估他们对特定职位的兴趣和目标, 因此,他们可以与可以帮助他们实现这些目标的非营利组织或公司相匹配.”


Peggy Imai

虽然Ayres今年夏天通过Canvas指导越南学术实习课程, he has significant support for the campus international internship program, collaborating with Peggy Imai of the Study Abroad Office and Robert Letovsky, professor of business administration and accounting.


Robert Letovsky

“当我们决定从国内实习转向虚拟实习时, TEAN proved to be a good partner,” Imai said. “They matched our students with internship sites, provided cultural orientation, and have in-country (Vietnam-based) and U.以确保所有有关各方的需要都得到满足.今井说,圣迈克尔的12名学生“将参与一些非常有趣的项目”, 我期待着在未来几周内看到工作分配和人际关系的进展.”

公司和非营利组织的范围使圣迈克尔对潜在的学生实习生施加的限制很少, regardless of major. 艾尔斯说,圣迈克尔的任何学生都可以申请补助金,以支持面对面的实习,或者在这种情况下进行虚拟实习, and earn four credits in the process by enrolling in Interdisciplinary 499, which is the internship class.


Kelechi Onuoha

For example, junior Kelechi Onuoha ’23, 被安置在一个名为“社区发展研究和培训中心”的公共卫生非政府组织, 她将其描述为“专注于改善女性医疗保健的非政府组织”, children, and adolescents regarding domestic violence and non-communicable diseases.”


Alexyah Dethvongsa

22岁的大四学生Alexyah Dethvongsa在A365从事沟通工作,她将其描述为“一个专注于儿童发育障碍的组织, such as autism, 如何在为患者提供最佳资源的同时,改变这些疾病的污名.”

学生被要求完成的任务和工作任务包括执行营销策略, co-writing project proposals, creating social media posts, and collecting various data — but that just scrapes the surface. Students in this program have the ability to expand their global horizons, 同时借此机会深入了解他们的国际实习之间的联系,以及它如何影响他们的学术和个人生活.


Abby Poisson

“我个人希望获得更强的文化竞争力和在国际环境中工作的能力,” said intern and senior Abby Poisson ’21. “我希望能在这两个月的实习期之外建立起个人和工作上的关系. It is my goal to work internationally in the nonprofit sector in the future, 因此,对我来说,获得技能是很重要的,这将使我更好地理解和适应国际期望, cultures, and work.”

弗里曼基金会向十大赌博靠谱网络平台提供资金,以支持在亚洲进行面对面国际实习的费用.  该计划的目标是增加在亚洲有专业经验和了解的美国公民的数量, its people, and its cultures.  Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and with the shift to virtual international internship placement in Vietnam, 学院有大量的弗里曼基金用于亲自的国际实习.  艾尔斯希望这能为明年夏天的全球沉浸式学习创造一个双轨机会.  “Looking ahead, 弗里曼基金会资助亲自实习,学院资助虚拟国际实习,” he said, “我们应该能够在2022年夏季为圣迈克尔的学生提供更多的国际实习机会, 为我们的学生进一步扩展宝贵的全球体验计划.”

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